21 Jul The Mad Packers
Word this morning was that a Twin Otter was passing through today. As our flight out in a couple of days is going to be full, Carl and I were asked if we could prepare a couple of our duffle bags to throw on the plane to help make Thursday’s flight easier. No problem. The next couple of hours were spent sorting and re-packing. I used this opportunity to set aside gear I don”™t need back home with Carl when he is is to leave, making the rest of my remaining trip lighter. Boxes of paintings that I started, extra food, gear that we never used or wouldn”™t need again, all was carefully sifted through and reorganized. We dropped three pieces off by the parks office and went in to continue writing descriptions for the web photo gallery I was preparing for our website. As I typed, Carl leafed through books found at camp and looked up various species of plants and animals that appeared in our photos for accurate identification. We weren”™t at it too long before Monty came by with another question. The plane was landing, and could Carl possibly go with it too? We looked at each other. It would mean leaving a couple of days early, but if he the next flight was too full for us, we might have to go on the next one. And what if there was a delay with the next one? Then subsequent flights out of the north could all be jeopardized. Eager to start heading home, there was no way this was going to be chanced! Besides, it sounded like this might be helpful to the park’s logistics. We jumped to our feet and headed back to the emergency shelter where our stuff was and began packing his gear. I have to admit, it was a bit of a weird feeling after hanging out for almost a month to suddenly be separated on short notice. Especially in this distant land we had been each others support, and where plans can change by the minute. But we knew we would hook up again in a couple of days in Resolute, or at least that was the hope.
Almost there. Carl’s bags packed, plane now on the ground. Then, out of nowhere, Kristy Frampton drops by. She’s the parks communications officer that was on the incoming flight and with whom I had planned this intothearctic.comthe pilot has room for you too, and all your gear! The plane is waiting!” Wow! Carl and I looked at each other for a moment and then dove back into a frenzy of packing again. Forget about what goes where, just shove it all in. Kristy helped as well, and in a matter of a few minutes, everything disappeared into our bags through every available orifice. Boy can plans change fast around here! Before long we were in the air and leaving Ellesmere behind. Just like that, the this leg of the trek had ended. Three hours and Carl and I will be in Resolute to spend a couple of days sorting out our mess, and then parting ways. Well, not exactly. As we boarded the plane, we were informed that it was too late to make it back to Res, and that we were actually going to Eureka instead. Oh well, what “˜s what more change”¦
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