Shuffling Along

Woke up very groggy. Surprise, surprise. But it was worth getting up at all hours of the night to check on the painting light just the same. Rolled out of the tent and, and looked up. Hey, the light was looking pretty nice now! I guess the sun had to go all the way around before it finally shone down from this angle. Strapped on the pack and went off to start a new canvas. The hike took me to a point where Cleaves Glacier capped off the top of a vertical composition. After watching the sun hit the scene from all angles for the better part of of 24 hours, I was pleased at last, and feeling better about all the time I invested. As they say, patience is a virtue.

After lunch, Carl and I broke camp. As nice as the view was here, we wanted a new look for camp tonight. We hiked past a muti-tiered waterfall, crossed a glacial stream, passed the corner that hid the valley from view, and after a few kilometers we had a whole new setting where we could start fresh again. We pitched our tent near the water, I surveyed the landscape for new possibilities and then settled in for the night. This time for a good sleep.

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