The wind did it’s job in keeping the mosquitoes away last evening, but then went into overtime and blew all night making racket. As a result, I didn”™t sleep very well. Woke to gray skies this morning, which didn”™t cause me to rush out of the tent. But I did get myself moving nevertheless, and after breakfast toured the island to size up some painting possibilities. Eventually that did lead to starting a new piece, though that came after a much needed lunchtime nap. The day sped by quickly, and before long we were back on the boat with Gary and Jay heading back into Yellowknife. Over hot chocolate back at the crew house, we all chatted for some time before Gary and Jay headed home. It was a treat to get out, and would never have happened without Gary and Jay’s generosity and sacrifice of time. Thanks guys!

By now it was getting late, but the evening wasn”™t over yet. Our flights out were first thing in the morning and there was a whole lot of packing to do. Over the next couple of hours, I entered into my best spat of multi-tasking of the trip yet. Washing laundry, backing up footage, separating gear to send back with Max while making sure I had what I needed, eating, and on and on, all at a pace that would make my long-gone french grandmother proud.

At last I collapsed on my bed at about 3am. Everything done. Ready for the morning.

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