Days Out There

08,09d,2006_compI’m going to be skipping a few days here; again. Ok so where do I start?


We woke up that morning and it was very foggy, and slightly raining. We took this as an advantage to take our tent and move it around to the middle of the plateau and had nothing but rain and fog most of the day.

The next day, we found out that Jonah had to leave early to guide some mineral 08,09b,2006_compprospectors.

The next day, Steve came over with his dog, Floppy. Later, Jonah left.

On the next day, we worked our way down to the bottom of the canyons and went fishing. I caught 4 grayling! And we has a great campfire by the river.

On the last day out, we made it back to Paulatuk and slept over at Steve’s place.

The next day we spent at Paulatuk and talked to their school about maybe setting up a pen pal e-08,09a,2006_compmail system with some of my school classes and some of theirs.

The next day we spent packing up for our flight back to Inuvik, but then got fogged in and our flight was cancelled.

And last but not least, we flew away back to Inuvik and went to Pat’s place; friend who offered us to stay at her place for a while.

– Andie TrĂ©panier

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