30 Jun Canoe
We went to pick up our almost 21 foot canoe for our trip today at Wild Waters Wilderness Shop in Thunder Bay. A man named Dennis Davidson dropped off the canoe there for us, and the paddles for it too. There was even a river next to us so we could test it out. It flew like a bird! We also met the owner of the shop, Bruce Hyers, who invited us to park our RV on his property that night.
Today we also visited my dad’s college buddy, Steve Lawson and his wife Kelly, along with their three sons; Jody, Brett, and Jeremy Lawson. We had fun at their place and stayed for a few hours.
We parked at the end of the day at Mr. Hyers place and met his wife, Margaret, and his son, Michael. We saw the beautiful beach and their awesome house. We played with Michael and talked with his parents. We had an absolutely wonderful day.
– Andie TrĂ©panier
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