A little taste of INTO THE ARCTIC at Neville Public Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
We Are Green Bay TV in Wisconsin catches up with INTO THE ARCTIC Exhibition at the Neville Public Museum.
Cory Trépanier stopped in at University School of Milwaukee to share with 200 grades 1-4 students before heading to Green Bay. What a blast!
Joy Powers radio interview with Cory and Into The Arctic tour director David Wagner at WUWM in Milwaukee.
Cory receives an awesome welcome from the grade 1 classes at University School of Milwaukee!
Exhibition Tour Office
David J. Wagner, L.L.C.
CONTACT: David J. Wagner, Ph.D., Curator/Tour Director
OFFICE: 414.221.6878
EMAIL: davidjwagnerllc@yahoo.com
WEBSITE: davidjwagnerllc.com
MEMBER: American Alliance of Museums and International Council of Museums
Cory Trépanier’s Fine Art Website: corytrepanier.com