CARIBOU & GRIZZLIES: Back along the Dempster Highway, now in fall colour, Cory and his family encounter their first grizzly bears in the wild. And a bunch more caribou as well....

GOING TO THE FIRTH: With the family comfortably settled in Inuvik, Cory flies with Park Canada to the Firth River in Ivvavik National Park top explore the ancient river and mountains surrounding it....

BACK TO PAULATUK: Cory heads back to Paulatuk after exploring the land. Because of the ruggedness of the terrain, the 72km trek back took 11 hours on a four-wheeler hauling a trailer....

TO THE BROCK: Across the land to the Brock River canyon, just west of Tuktut Nogait National Park, where Cory and his family will camp while Cory paints the arctic landscape....